Monday, March 9, 2009

Home Improvement.....

A few weeks ago, we discovered a leak in our drain line between the washing machine and kitchen sink. Water began leaking into our walls and wet bar. We knew we had some damage but were not sure how bad. Had the insurance adjuster come out and sure enough once we pulled off some of the wall, many things would need to be replaced. A little back story - I have a horrible pantry, very deep shelves where things get lost. We had talked about removing the wet bar, taking out the pantry and enlarging the laundry room so I could have my pantry be apart of the laundry room. Well since the leak happened we thought we might as well do it now.

We hired some guys who do this as a side job (they are very good) so they only work on weekends. The wet bar has been torn out and a new wall was put up. After the wall was put up, we realized that it wasn't going to be enough room so we had them tear the all back down and they had to build another wall that was out about 10 inches. Now mind you since they are only working on weekends, and they have been out here for 3 weekends, we just now got the second wall up and all of the rotten sheet rock replaced. Then we ran into another issue. Because there was a wet bar, there was plumbing. We had decided to cut the plumbing down to the slab and then cap it off and lay our floor over it. Well, the plumbing was cut and sealed but there is a leak. They tried several times and it still leaks so guess what, we have no water!!! FUN FUN!!! We hope to have the plumber out today to get it fixed. A good thing though, once we had the new wall up, I will have a ton of room now. I can't wait to have it done because my house is a wreck and it is so hard to clean. I am going to have to mop the floor because it is driving me crazy!!

Other news, I am so proud of Cole. He had a Soccer game this weekend and did awesome!! He went after the ball several times and even got a few kicks in. He also played Goalie. Last week when he played, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do but this week, he was all over it. He prevented more goals then what they got. He has improved so much since the beginning of the season.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Our Weekend!

What a busy weekend!! First on Saturday we had the boy's soccer games. Of course they were both at the same time so Brad and I had to split up. I went to Cole's and he want to Austin's. Cole got to play against an old friend of ours. It was great running into them. I have known the boy's parents since I was in grade school. His dad is my Brother's best friend. Anyways Alex is 3 weeks younger than Cole and his brother is a couple months younger than Austin (They were due within days of each other) Anyways, the other team won but Cole is doing much better. I found out today that Austin did very well on Sat. His coach said he kicked the ball a few times and was alert on what was going on. Brad and I just want the boys to have fun and want to play. After the Soccer game, I showed some houses and then came home. We had some plumbing issues so we are in the process of removing sheet rock and a damaged wet bar. What we decided to to was expand the laundry room to give me a larger pantry. So once I got home Saturday night, I had to clean out the laundry room and my old pantry. The workman came back on Sunday and now I have no pantry and a large opened laundry room with my washer and dryer in my breakfast room. And it will be like this for awhile. (our contractors only work on weekends) So Sunday I spend the day trying to stay out of their way and entertain Cole. Brad took Austin out for his Birthday day with Dad. They went to breakfast and went to see Hotel for Dogs. Austin loved it!! Especially since there is a dog in the movie that is just like Charlie. So that was our weekend and I don't see things settling down anytime soon :)